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Daily quote from Abraham: “The standard of success in life isn’t the things. It isn’t the money or the stuff-it is absolutely the amount of joy you feel.”

It is our job to allow the joy. It becomes a moment to  moment practice to become conscious of how we most often make the choice for not joy!

It is usually perceived as somewhat of a challenge to choose joy since our attachment to an identity of being inherently joyless for all the so-many-good-reasons

is very much in place.

Well, this “old friend” will have to bite the dust!!!

Freedom or bondage?

I think I am finally up to the challenge.


Tiny Pink Baby Goes To Aruba

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The Grandmother

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What are the characteristics of The Grandmother?

The Crone, the Wise One?


She is steady, dependable, forgiving.

She is loving and available.

She is sensitive and gentle, kind and lighthearted.

She would rather be happy than right.

She is generous and patient.


To be in The Grandmothers’ embrace is to understand the stillness of Love,

the quiet of safety,

the freedom from Fear,

the power of listening.


To be in Her embrace is to know

your heart at rest

and your breath deep and easy.


Come, little one,

Come to the Grandmother.

let your mind be open.

Press your small bones against

the yielding breasts and the warm belly

full of life and goodwill.


Let her gnarled hands soothe away

the heartache from your tousled head and worried brow….

Let her gnarled hands smooth your countenance and

Hold your secrets and lessen your burden.


Call in The Grandmother whose lap

can hold and hold and hold, tirelessly,

until you have enough

and are filled up with the plenty of it.


Come, come little one.

Allow your small bones, saddened with lies and betrayals,

to lean into The Grandmother.

Feel your body respond

to the truth of it; the healing.

Feel your body grow strong and erect,

Balanced and confident

with the spine aligned in the quiet prayer

of The Grandmothers embrace.


Call in The Grandmother.

She is waiting,

singing the song of Love:

The melody that is, has been and always will be.

Let go to Her the tremble of fear and

sing away the distortions that block the light to Loves’ presence.


Come, little one, come.

Sing away the dread.

Sing away the pain with the melody of Love,

sing with The Grandmother.

Feel the resonance deep inside your body and know,

in that place of Knowing

that the child will never have to be afraid again.

Italian, I Think!

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Tiny Pink Baby comes into the USA via A.J. Hastings in Amherst,MA. Caroline welcomes them into a small plastic box where they await distribution. She found them in an Italian toy catalog. Peg adopts them by the 100′s and sends them on adventures throughout the world. Hastings is a grand old fashioned stationary store family owned for several generations. It is right in the center of Amherst. Caroline is the buyer with a keen interest in the Adventures of Tiny Pink Baby. Thanks to her there  are many unique  products to be had at A.J. Hastings

How Did You Know?

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While vacationing in Nova Scotia we had a lovely meal in a seaside restaurant.  Our waitress was an adorable young woman with superb serving skills. When the meal was over she brought the check. I wanted to leave a good tip to signal my delight with her service and….I wanted to include a Tiny Pink Baby to top-off my delight.  So, there on the table, on top of the check and the cash I placed a tiny Pink Baby. I love whimsy!

As I stood up to put on my coat and headed for the door the waitress came running after me. She was very excited. “Madam,” she called after me, “Madam…wait, please…how did you know?…how did you know?”, she continued, ” we have been trying to have a baby for 2 years with no success and now I know it will happen…it’s a sign…thank you, thank you!”

I have wondered often whether she ever did get pregnant?



Peg’s Sculpture

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Beginings (a sculpture in a series entitled The Love Series)


The Wonder of Uncontrolled Laughter

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When visiting Charleston, SC I needed to have my car serviced. I scouted around for a Jiffy Lube  and found one outside of town. After pulling into the establishment and getting out of the car I was greeted by a large African American man.  “Hello Madam,” he greeted me. “What can we do for you today?” He was very friendly and welcoming and I was thinking that maybe he was the boss of the operation. “Can you do an oil change,” I replied. “Sure can, sure can…just pull over here and we’ll take care of it for you right away.”  He’s so likable, I remember thinking, this  big and strong looking man with very dark skin. A  short time passed and  he personally drove the car to where I was waiting. Getting out he handed me the bill with a warm smile. The smile spread from the edges of his mouth and landed in two deep dimples in the middle of his cheeks. I was dazzled! Reaching into my wallet for cash I remember thinking that I must also give him a Tiny Pink Baby. (I always carry several in my wallet because you never know when one is to be offered.) He extended his hand to receive the cash as I at the same time extended mine for a handshake. As our hands connected the Tiny Pink Baby dropped into his hand. Turning his hand over he saw the tiny pink baby fairly shimmering against the dark skin of his very big strong palm and he began to laugh. He  laughed and laughed and laughed,his dimples dancing deep into his cheeks. He was laughing so hard he had to find a place to sit down. As I drove away I registered the good feeling that  comes with having a joyful connection with another human being. I wonder what he told his family when he went home that night!

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